Here's the Panoramic photo I took of our back yard as promised in the earlier post. I told you it's not that good. I did it really quickly. Maybe someday I'll find time to make a better one. It does a decent job of showing how small it is back there.

Here's the original of composite of the photos before I cropped it. I like this one because it shows the neighbors giant tree that dominates the backyard, and it shows the porch off to the right. It also shows our cute dog who thinks I'm out there to play with her. Lucy's in this photo as well, You have click the photo to enlarge and look close, she's a small dog.

Here's the panoramic of our front yard. as you can see it's better quality but I missed a couple of spots for the bottom corners. But we still got a cute dog in there. I think she's trying to figure out if she can make a break for it.
Okay, so our house is crooked, but not quite as crooked as it looks in the 2nd to last picture.