Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Grace Gets Groomed

Grace is almost 8 years old and for the first time ever I took her to get professionally groomed. I've been pestering Ian to bathe her for a couple months now and I finally gave him a deadline that if missed would result in me paying money for someone else to do the job. Deadline missed, appointment made. I was afraid she would be traumatized since she'd never been groomed before, but after spending about 8 hours at Dogs R Us she is contentedly relaxing on the back lawn. They did a great job. I was so amazed at how pretty she looked when the groomer brought her out that I was speechless. I feel really bad that I didn't tell her what an amazing job she did, but I did leave a good tip, so hopefully that compensates for my lack of words.
She looks like a fluffy fur ball and feels like one too.
She immediately laid down in a puddle, of course. I wouldn't expect anything less. 
See, she doesn't look traumatized.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Baby Blankets

I just finished making a blanket for Baby Sister and one for the doll Aven will be receiving upon Baby Sister's arrival. Aven is really excited about this new arrival, telling me "I'm having a baby" several times a day. Let's see how long that attitude lasts once she's actually here. Just about two and a half weeks to go!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Aven's Busy Week

We had our busiest week in a long time, which is good for keeping me distracted from how uncomfortable I am right now. Here's a photo review of all the fun Aven had this week, hopefully next week will be just as full and fun.
Swimmin' at Payton's house. She had lots of fun learning how to work the squirt guns.
Visiting the Utah Museum of Natural History with Alyssa.

Getting some important work done at Dad's drafting table when we had lunch with him on Friday.

Practicing for baby sister's arrival.

Chalk Art Festival at the Gateway. There's my brilliant former-student, Tia working on  large solo project. She has her sights set on Pixar and I have no doubt that she'll get there!

A shoulder ride from Dad.

Her favorite drawing at the Chalk Art Festival- Animal from The Muppets.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rocky Shores

My mom and I took Aven to see the new Rocky Shores exhibit at Hogle Zoo. We've been waiting a couple summers to see this new addition, so we were very excited. The new exhibit is beautiful and features a polar bear, grizzly bears, otters, bald eagles, sea lions, and harbor seals. The animals were very active, so we got a pretty good show.
My mom and Aven at the zoo entrance.
Rizzo, the new Polar Bear, did some fancy moves in the pool.
Aven watching the seals.
Either a sea lion or a seal. I don't know how to tell them apart just yet.
Coming to Hogle Zoo in 2014 is a new African Savannah exhibit- another cool thing to be excited about!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Aven's First Camping Adventure

Ian really loves camping and has been looking forward to taking Aven since last summer. Since I am currently eight months pregnant I wasn't up for the challenge, so Ian planned to take Aven camping all by himself. The thought of camping alone with a three year old made my anxiety meter rise just a little bit (well, actually a lot), so I mentioned my reservations to Ian's mom, Christine. She and Ian's dad, Dennis, graciously offered to join the camping trip for the first night, which was a huge relief to me. Ian was annoyed that I hadn't consulted him first since he really wanted to do it on his own (gee, reminds me of a certain three year old I know "I do it ALL BY MYSEWF, Mom!'). In the end Ian confessed that he was glad his parents were there as it would have been quite difficult to set up camp alone while trying to keep an eye on Aven. He was also grateful for the company since Aven isn't the greatest conversationalist at this point in her life. They had a great time, which makes this mom happy. Aven loved sleeping in the tent in her very own sleeping bag and she even learned to sit on a rock and pee while hiking- a very important skill! Here are a few photos of their adventure:
Relaxing by the fire with Grandma.
The view from their campsite- you can't beat that!
A family picture on the hike to Scout Falls.
Scout Falls- wow! 
Family picture in front of the falls.
Nothing says"I've been camping for two days" quite like that hair-do does.