Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Aven's Spring Show

Aven's daycare just put on their big spring show. In the past Aven has reacted to being on stage in many different ways: she has been oblivious of the crowd, so upset by the crowd that she wailed at the top of her lungs, and so excited that mom and dad were in the audience that she ignored the crowd and was completely focused on us.

This time she pulled out the shy card and either stared at her shoes or covered her mouth with her hands. She didn't actually sing but I could see her subtly mouthing the words to the songs. Pretty dang cute.

'Waddle waddle waddle, quack quack quack quack, feathers on my tummy, wings on my back!" We've been singing this one at home for months now. Look at that shy little duck.
This song was about a skunk. She managed a few looks at the audience, but mostly tried to make herself invisible by staring at her shoes and hiding behind her hands.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Aven turned 3 this weekend. She has been eagerly anticipating her birthday party for well over a month, so it was nice to finally have the big day here. It was totally chaotic, but I think everyone, especially the kids, had a good time. 
The beginning of the chaos.
Aven and her best friend, Alyssa. Alyssa's mommy and I work together and Aven and Alyssa just happen to be in the same class at daycare. Small world.
Present opening chaos.
Blowing the candles out on her cupcake. A couple of interlopers tried to sneak in and blow them out for her.
Aven and friends pretending to sleep in her new big-girl bed.