Saturday, July 6, 2013


Surprise! Emma tried something new and slightly scary! Can you believe it?! I couldn't- until she actually did it!

Anyway, when we were walking along the beach yesterday we saw a few water sports companies doing parasailing and Ian was immediately sure that he wanted to try it. I couldn't do it because I have tubes in my ears, so I can't submerge my head in water without special ear plugs. Emma needed a little convincing, but we were very happy that she decided to go.

We headed to the beach before lunch today and Ian and Emma got all hooked up the the equipment:

Notice the vast disparity between Ian's skin tone and the skin tone of the water sports employees.

Here they are taking off:

Taking a dip mid-ride.

Waaaayyyy up there!

Luckily I remembered the telephoto lens:

Emma plugged her nose in preparation for the drop.


They had a great time!

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