Today we decided to go to Monaco and rub elbows with rich people. The traffic was insane and we felt really underdressed. We ate lunch at a fancy mall. After eating, Emma and I walked around and looked at some merchandise. I didn't spend more than a minute or two in each store because the price tags made me sweat. Even the discount items were well over 100 Euros- yikes.
After lunch we made what seemed like a very long trek across Monte Carlo to the Oceanographic museum of Monaco. The aquarium was very cool but also very small. Etta was once again very entertained by the fishes. Aven's favorite exhibit was the tank full of dozens of little Nemos. The museum part was kind of random and weird, but it had cool stuff in it along with an interesting display of shark themed art. Overall it was fun, but a very long day for our two travel-weary girls. We will be really glad to go home next week because every day Aven tells us "I miss my Grace Dog, I miss my home, I miss my friends, I miss my school . . . " poor girl. Anyway, enjoy some pictures from our day in the land of rich people:
On the way to Monaco- I just thought this was a super-adorable picture of Aven. |
Welcome to Monaco! (I think it says something to that effect, anyway). |
This is part of the Circuit de Monaco track for Formula One Racing. Ian has driven this track many times in a video game, so he enjoyed seeing it in person. |
The official, original Monte Carlo Casino. They have a strict dress code, so we could only look at the outside.
Now, for my random photos of the day:
This yacht looks like it's about to give birth to a speedboat. |
I had fun making fun of all the tourists taking photos of the Maseratis and Ferraris parked around town by taking photos of cars around town that I thought were pretty hot. This is my favorite. If I ever meet the guy who drives this chick magnet Ian might have to start worrying. |
We rode a "fancy red yacht" (a.k.a. a public transportation ferry) across the harbor. Aven seriously thought we were living the high life, along with 20 random strangers who also needed to get to the other side of the harbor. |
Etta's the king of the world! She really liked yachting. |
Sisters! |
It was pretty beautiful there. Ian's current retirement plan: spend the next 30 years overcoming our horrible tendency toward seasickness and our hate of all cuisine involving seafood then buy a yacht and travel the world. Easy peasy. |
Family photo time! |
I'm in the same boat. <- :). I wish to travel the world aboard a sailboat, but I get seasick and don't eat fish. When I was in tahiti we traveled the docks and looked at boats from all over the world that had made it there. That was when I first got the idea.