So ever since I started taking classes at the U I knew that I could buy discount tickets for certain events around town. Of course I completely ignore this benefit of being a college student until the last minute as always. So back in January I decided to buy some discount tickets for things while I still have an active University ID. I got some tickets to a symphony, 2 operas and a play. Unfortunately the discount tickets are only available during the week. So tonight me and Cara are going to the Opera at 7:30, which means we'll be out until about 11. That's about 2 hours past our normal bedtime. It's tough to do since it means a less sleep for us, which is going to be in very short supply when May comes around. But I think it's worth it to be able to see these incredible shows. Maybe Cara will do a follow up post with how the show was tonight.
Were going to the "Marriage of Figaro" by the way. The first opera we went to was "Regina" which wasn't that good. It was a more modern opera created in 1949 it was in English and just wasn't that good of a story. I didn't particularly care for it. I'm hoping this one will be better. It was written by Mozart after all.
oh my gosh- the Marriage of Figaro is the BEST!! I saw it with my dad a few years ago. He dozed off a few times, but I was captivated. It's a total comedy and one of the more entertaining operas around if I do say so myself. I hope you guys have a great time!