The big West Jordan Middle School Fine Arts Department event of the year was "Art Week: The American Experience". We got a mini-grant to pay for everything, and it was a lot of fun. We ordered traveling art exhibits of old west era artist Frederick Remington and depression era artist Thomas Hart Benton. Our fabulous orchestra teacher, Lauren Flygare had her students perform some fiddle tunes, and they sounded great. Phil Grothaus, much loved choir teacher, had his choir perform a few traditional American folk songs. I especially loved their rendition of Johnny Cash's "Daddy Sang Bass". Lisa Morey, drama teacher extraordinaire, prepared some fun trivia questions about the old west and the depression era. Kids answered a question correctly to get a piece of candy. I took pictures and spent the evening hoping that my husband would be able to pry my cowboy boots off of my swollen feet when I got home.

Part of the Frederick Remington display.

Thomas Hart Benton

The orchestra performs fiddle tunes- they were so cute!

Phil and one his students play guitar while the choir sings folk songs.

Some sugar-starved 7th graders trying desperately to win a piece of candy from the General Store.
It was a fun event. Last year I said I would never do it again, but did anyway, so I guess that leaves hope for next year and the possibility of Jackson Pollock, M.C. Escher, and the 1950's.
That looks so cool! Last year was a bit chaotic. But it looks like you had a good turnout. Thanks for posting this.