As you may have read in the previous post Ian and I saw The Marriage of Figaro last night at the Capitol Theater. I loved it. I didn't know the story before the performance last night, I just knew it was a comedy by Mozart. It's amazing that a story written hundreds of years ago can still be laugh-out-loud funny. I thought that the performers were all fabulous. I was quite distracted by the fact that the male character of Cherubino was played by a woman until it was made clear that this character is supposed to be an adolescent- then it made sense. I consulted WJMS's resident theater expert, Lisa Morey, about this. She told me that until about 100 years ago boys were put into these "younger" roles in the opera and were castrated so that they would keep their high voices. Now women play these parts- interesting.

Both of these photographs were on deseretnews.com. I loved the set- the back grounds were beautiful and the costumes were amazing.
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