On February 11th my former fellow art teacher, Missy, came for a visit during our collaborative work time at good old West Jordan Middle School. She moved to Finland last year so her husband could pursue a masters degree in physics. She's been sorely missed by everyone at school, so it was great to see her. It's just not the same teaching art without her next door. We also shared a ridiculous experience while attending a middle school conference together in Houston- so this relationship goes a little bit beyond being next door neighbors in the 240 hall.
Above is the Fine Arts team (L-R): Kate Kimber, who replaced me as the ceramics teacher (I replaced Missy as the Drawing teacher), Lauren Flygare, the band and orchestra teacher who has been at WJMS 29 years, Lisa Morey, our Drama teacher with an endless supply of energy and fabulous ideas, Missy Ames, currently expecting a baby, which is super-exciting, Me, looking as big as a house, and Phil Grothaus, our wonderfully talented choir teacher who also performs in the Taberbacle Choir.
Missy brought some delicious black licorice from Finland to share with the team.
Awww, shucks. It was great to see you all again. I can't tell you how much I miss WJMS...