Ever since Aven was born Ian's brother, Brance, has been asking when Aven would be old enough to ride a bike. Now that she's a year old we can safely take her riding in our Chariot bike trailer and to Brance, who is a bike riding fiend, that's as good as being able to ride a bike. So, today we strapped our bikes to our roof mounted bike rack and headed out to West Jordan to go bike riding with Brance. I needed to stop at Whole Foods on the way to pick something up and like idiots we drove right into the parking lot. The one that has clearly marked 7' 2" clearance bars over every entrance to the lot. I'll let the pictures illustrate the rest of the story . . .

Our car looks a lot like this when the bikes are mounted on top.

This is what our roof rack looked like after it was torn off the top of our car by the clearance bar. Amazingly the bikes landed right side up with a very loud and scary sound. The only damage to the bikes was a scratch on Ian's handlebar and a broken reflector.

The factory rack did not fare so well. Luckily, only one side was broken in the accident.

We just happened to have our trunk mounted bike rack in the back of the car and so after much cursing on Ian's part we were able to get going and continue with our planned bike ride.

Despite a little bit of bad luck, we had a great day. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday Dennis!
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