Our lovely daughter is now 1 week old, almost to the minute actually, and she has had somewhere around 400 photographs taken of her so far. I'm not sure if there have been 400 photos taken of me my entire life. I guess we love her or something.

She has socks on her hands because her little finger nails were like razors until I filed them down. The pediatrician told us not to cut them yet because he has seen many babies with fingertips cut off by nail clippers.

I'm not quite sure what Grace thinks of her yet. She is very curious though.

And last but not least is a picture of my mom holding Aven. Ian neglected to put one in the last post, but she has had a ton of Grandma Malecker time so far.
She is such a doll! I was anxiously anticipating 400 pictures to be posted, but I guess I'll just have to be patient. :)