We recently had the opportunity to attend the opening of Jamie Wyeth's "Seven Deadly Sins" at the Salt Lake Art Center. The Brandywine River Museum describes this series as "a major exhibition of new works inspired by a traditional concept of human transgressions. With characteristic imagination, Wyeth has depicted the Seven Deadly Sins in a series of paintings with raucous, scavenging seabirds as emblems of human failings." I loved the concept and thought the paintings were beautifully done.

This picture of Jamie Wyeth standing amid his exhibition at the Salt Lake Art Center was published in the Deseret News. I read an article about Jamie Wyeth in an art magazine about 10 years ago and was really intrigued by his method of really getting to know his subject and completing many studies before beginning a final work. When he was commissioned to paint a portrait of JFK after his death he watched hundreds of hours of video, interviewed his closest friends and family, and did drawing after drawing of his brothers in order to get to know JFK good enough to be able to paint a portrait he felt represented his subject. After researching Jamie Wyeth I learned about his father, Andrew Wyeth, who was a famous American painter, and his grandfather, N.C. Wyeth, a famous illustrator. I have been a fan of this family of artists ever since.

Aven and I standing in front of "Inferno", the painting that first inspired the "Seven Deadly Sins" series.

Listening to the artist speak. Aven was a great little audience member, even though it was past her bedtime.

It was very cool seeing the artist in person. he had great stories and was very funny.