In November 2007 I went to Houston with a group of teachers from West Jordan Middle School for the National Middle School Conference. Madeline Keith, a fellow conference attendee just sent me this picture, so I thought I'd post it. It was taken outside of the Houston Museum of Fine Art. There was a terrific Photography exhibit when we were there. We also went to the Houston Science Museum and saw the very cool Lucy exhibit. It was about the culture and history of Ethiopia and concluded with Lucy, the earliest known specimen of an upright walking hominid, who's remains were found in Ethiopia.
This particular conference became national news when several attendees fell down the treacherously long, steep escalators at the conference center and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. I will always remember the unique sleeping situations we had to endure due to a booking snafu and the fact that a crazy homeless man hissed at me and tried to attack me as I was walking alone from the light rail station to the hotel.
Photo L-R: Michelle Bagley, Allison Holdaway, Me, Nedra Sproul, Missy Ames
Ahhh, memories! That trip was terribly romantic