The weather was forecasted to be good, so we decided to have Aven's birthday party at the park. We woke up to an updated weather report of possible thunderstorms in the afternoon with a high of 80 degrees. We decided not to worry. The party started at 2:00 and the weather was holding out okay- windy and cloudy but nice otherwise.

Payton and Zachary were having fun playing with the balloons until the knot came loose. It was fun to watch three grown men chase after a bunch a balloons. You may be surprised to learn that the balloons got away from them.

After the balloons escaped Aven opened her presents. She got some great toys, movies, clothes, and books.

Her immediate favorite was the bike. She's been asking for a bike, so I was glad to find this one.

After presents we did the Elmo pinata. I like the new pinatas that have the pull strings- much lower chance of major head trauma.

Next we sang happy birthday to Aven. It was too windy for candles, but she did blow out a candle at home a couple nights ago.

After the singing came the cupcakes. By the time we sat down to eat the cupcakes we noticed that the temperature had plummeted quite a bit and the sky was looking more bleak by the moment.
There are no more pictures because shortly after eating we had to pack up in a hurry and high-tail it to the car due to the threatening looking sky. As soon as we got in the car it thundered and started to downpour- lucky timing. It was a fun birthday party even though the weather didn't cooperate.