Aven is now 21 months old and her vocabulary is growing every day. I can no longer keep track of all the new words she is learning. She is starting to repeat phrases that we say- always fun to hear. Aven also has a little boyfriend at daycare. I was informed one day that Beau (the center director's son who is in Aven's class) thinks that she is the best thing ever and talks about her all the time, saying cute things such as "Aven nice". She has been asking for Beau all weekend. I'm just really glad that she is in such a great daycare and gets to spend the day with sweet, caring teachers and fun playmates. Lastly, she is getting really good at 'please' and 'thank you'- especially 'thank you', which actually sounds a lot like 'dit doo' when she says it.
In other Bailey family news we are putting our house back on the market in a couple weeks. Send positive vibes our way- we really feel ready for a larger house! Other than that Ian and I have been trying to go skiing as much as possible, which so far this year has been four times. I know it doesn't sound like much, but when you're working full time and caring for a toddler almost every minute you aren't at work four times is actually pretty good.
Enjoy some recent photos of our progeny:

Ooh, I have never tried painting with Addie, that looks so fun!